Paul Pellicoro has dedicated his life to sharing the joy of social, theatrical, and competitive partner dancing with countless people. Join him on an adventure to change your life!
Paul has taught and been taught by some of the best teachers in the world. From Tango to Salsa - street to stage he has seen it all. Let his experience, that he has shared with so many others, enter your life today.
Private & Group lessons taught in the comfort of your own home or at a local studio with Paul Pellicoro. He teaches Swing, Salsa, Mambo, Hustle, Mambo, Tango, Fox Trot, Waltz and more. Learn to Dance the night away.
Friday, August 18th
7:30pm - Hustle Lesson
8:30pm - 12am - Hustle Party
1415 Lyons Road
Coconut Creek, FL
Saturday, August 19th
8pm - Tango Class
9pm -1am - Milonga Party
1900 Okeechobbee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL
Sunday, September 3rd
11am - 12pm
Double Tree Hilton
711 NW 72nd Ave
Miami, FL
September 21st - 29th
"Hustle In Atlanta Group"
with Promoter/Dancer Tony Felix
Atlanta, GA
October 5th - 8th
Teaching & Judging
Hustle Competition
Shay Dixon's LA Hustle Congress
Hilton Orange County
3050 Bristol Street
Costa Mesa, CA
Private lessons, without a doubt, are the best way to learn. Paul also teaches small groups that can be taught in the comfort of your own home or at a local studio that Paul is affiliated with. He teaches all styles including Swing, Salsa, Mambo, Hustle, Argentine Tango, Fox Trot, Waltz and more.
Goldcoast Ballroom | 1415 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek, FL
Goldcoast Ballroom | 1415 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek, FL
1900 Okeechobee Bldv, West Palm Beach, FL
Join us for Tango!
1900 Okeechobee Bldv, West Palm Beach, FL
Double Tree Hilton | 711 NW 72nd Ave, Miami, FL
Join us for Hustle!
Double Tree Hilton | 711 NW 72nd Ave, Miami, FL
Atlanta, GA
Hustle Workshop
Atlanta, GA
Hilton Orange County | 3050 Bristol St, Costa Mesa, CA
Hustle Competition & Workshop
Hilton Orange County | 3050 Bristol St, Costa Mesa, CA
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Copyright © 2023 Paul Pellicoro's DanceSport, LLC - All Rights Reserved.